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Why I Write

"When asked to give advice to writers, I often state the maxim: 'Writer, know thyself!'" shares Writer-in-Residence Mary Kay Carson.

New on our Blog

Why I Write

"When asked to give advice to writers, I often state the maxim: 'Writer, know thyself!'" shares Writer-in-Residence Mary Kay Carson.

For Kids

Martin Luther King and His Legacy

This Martin Luther King Jr. Day, let's celebrate the legacy of Dr. King and the lives of those who championed the fight for civil rights.

For Teens

ICYMI - New Teen Nonfiction

Love interesting facts or true stories? Check out these recent nonfiction hits you may have missed.

For Adults

Thrilling SciFi

Discover new science fiction books that incorporate thrilling or mysterious elements.

CHPL's annual challenge for adults returns January 21!

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