About the Mt. Healthy Branch
About the
Mt. Healthy Branch
About the
Mt. Healthy Branch
Library service in Mt. Healthy began 125 years ago when Post Mistress Miss Julia Domm provided shelf space inside the post office for a book deposit station. All subsequent Mt. Healthy Branch locations have been within two blocks of this original location. Several years later, the deposit station moved to Dr. Abbott's drug and candy store near 2nd and Main (Compton Rd. and Hamilton Ave. today).
Library service in Mt. Healthy began 125 years ago when Post Mistress Miss Julia Domm provided shelf space inside the post office for a book deposit station. All subsequent Mt. Healthy Branch locations have been within two blocks of this original location. Several years later, the deposit station moved to Dr. Abbott's drug and candy store near 2nd and Main (Compton Rd. and Hamilton Ave. today).

The community's first full-scale branch library opened at 7608 Hamilton Ave. on July 9, 1928. In 1951, the branch relocated to a new building on the same site. As in the previous building, the library occupied the first floor of the Masonic Hall at the same address. In 1961, the branch expanded into the old post office space next door. The branch added air conditioning in August 1973.

The branch's current location, at the corner of McMakin St. and Hamilton Ave., opened to the public on November 2, 2024. This new location joins the investment in all CHPL branches with input from more than 3,000 community members to create more welcoming, accessible spaces. The family-friendly branch is more than 125% larger than the previous location, with improved accessibility, a large meeting room, study pods, a parking lot, and drive-thru service.
Come celebrate the opening of the Mt. Healthy Branch Library at its new location at 7700 Hamilton Ave.! The Opening Celebration, opens a new window starts with a ribbon-cutting and remarks from library leadership at 10 a.m. and continues with fun-filled activities for all ages until 4 p.m.