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Using the Library
Get a Library Card
Fill out our online form or visit us to get your free library card.
Reserve one of the stations at the Main Library's MakerSpace or use one of our Mini MakerSpaces at select branch libraries.
Library App
Access your account information from our app, free for your smartphone or mobile device.
Computer Reservations
Reserve a computer in any of our 41 Library locations.
Community Partnerships
With 41 locations, extensive information and technology resources, and a diverse customer base, learn how the Library can partner with your community organization to maximize our collective impact.
Community Resource Guide
Search for social services ranging from meals to emergency shelter and much more throughout Cincinnati and Hamilton County.
Government Resources
Connect with information and resources for your city, county, state, and federal governments.
Discovery Pass
Get free passes to arts, cultural, and recreational attractions throughout Hamilton County.
Fax and Print
The Library offers free printing and faxing at our locations.
Free Meals for Youth
In an effort to combat childhood hunger, the Library offers free meals at several branch libraries.
Holds Lockers
As an added convenience for our customers, holds lockers are available at the Clifton, Forest Park, and Oakley branch libraries.
Laptop Kiosks
Library cardholders may borrow one laptop at a time for up to two hours of use inside select Library locations.
LGBTQIA+ Resources
Browse local, regional, & online resources curated by CHPL and have your questions about LGBTQIA+ library and community resources answered by the Library's staff.
Meeting and Study Rooms
Learn more about reserving one of our meeting or study rooms.
Mobile Hotspots, opens a new window
Learn how to borrow a mobile hotspot for up to three weeks and connect to the internet from wherever you are.
New Americans
Information about classes in English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), career preparation assistance, support services, and resources in Spanish, French, Arabic, Chinese, and Nepali.
Outreach Services
Learn how the Library serves customers with special needs, customers who may have difficulty using the Library through traditional means, and educators.
Apply for a United States passport at the Library.
Services for the Blind and Physically Disabled
Learn more about local and state resources available in our area.
Tax Assistance
The Library provides resources and services that can help answer tax-related questions.
Telescope Lending
Library cardholders may borrow an astronomical telescope.
Voting Information
Voter registration forms and Vote by Mail applications are available year-round at all branch libraries and the Main Library Circulation Services department.
Free Wi-Fi and Wi-Fi enabled printing are available at all of our branches and the Main Library.
Research Support
The Library is committed to providing resources and services to our community’s lifelong learners.
Genealogy and Local History
The Genealogy and Local History Department provides research-level resources and services in the following areas: local history and culture, river history, genealogy, and African American history.
Newspaper and Magazine Articles
The Library offers current newspapers, research databases to access historical newspapers, and Newsdex, an index to local newspaper articles created and maintained by Library staff.
Nonprofit Grants
Our staffed resource center provides information and programs to help non-profit organizations identify and pursue funding opportunities.
Research Databases
The Library is committed to providing more than 200 online and Library-based research databases to locate information on a broad range of subjects from magazines, newspapers, encyclopedias, and books.
SearchOhio and Ohiolink
Can't find something in our collection? Looking for an item but all of our copies are checked out? Through SearchOhio and OhioLINK you can borrow material from the collections of more than 140 Ohio public and academic libraries.
Small Business
If you are starting a business or want to learn more about how to operate a business, the Library has free resources to help you.
Vaccine Information
The Library is your trusted source for Hamilton County vaccine news and resources.