Small Business
If you are starting a business or want to learn more about how to operate a business, the Library has free resources to help you.
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COVID-19 Small Business Resources
State of Ohio Assistance
The Ohio Development Services Agency offers several assistance programs, including "The Ohio Minority Micro-Enterprise Grant Program" and "Publicly Funded Daycares." Visit the Office of Small Business Relief website, opens a new window or call 1-833-249-6446
Federal Assistance
Since the COVID-19 crisis began, the Federal Government has enacted several loan/grant programs for small businesses, primarily through the Small Business Administration (SBA), opens a new window.
Local Assistance
Several local organizations are offering help:
- The Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber's COVID-19 Business Center includes a Business Response Helpline. | Their Daily Update also includes relevant notices of state/federal legislative/executive order actions.
- The Hamilton County Small Business Relief Program is no longer accepting applications, but interested business owners may sign up for notifications about future programs, opens a new window.
- Alloy Development Co.'s COVID-19 Resource Guide, opens a new window includes a helpful checklist, among other resources.
Need to create materials for your business? Check the top 5 MakerSpace stations used by small businesses!