Free Printing
Print up to 20 pages in color or 33 in black and white per day for free at any of CHPL's 41 library locations.
New! With free follow-me printing, send your documents to be printed from your home, email, or mobile device. When you get to a library location, you can release the job for immediate printing with your library card number, guest ID, or email release code.
Print jobs are available to be released at any library location for 24 hours after being sent. Additional pages can be printed at a cost of $0.15 per page in black and white and $0.25 per page in color. You do not need a library card to use this service.
Need assistance printing? Ask a Librarian.

Free Faxing
The Library offers free faxing at all of our locations.
- There is no page limit.
- You do not need a library card to use this service.
- You may fax single-sided or double-sided pages.
- Faxes take about a minute per page to send.
- A printed confirmation sheet is available and the Library will provide a cover sheet.
View the status of your fax sent, opens a new window at a CHPL library location.
Note: Ask library staff for help if you need to fax paperwork to Job and Family Services.