Important Conversations
Why Important Conversations?
Sometimes kids ask questions that are hard to answer. It's best to answer their questions with words they understand.
That’s why we created a new Storytime at Home series, Important Conversations. This video series, hosted on our YouTube channel, features storytimes with beloved Library staff who tackle a variety of subjects like conflict, racism, death, and feeling sad.
Important Conversations: Protests and Social Justice
Check out these kid-friendly these books and resources gathered by Library staff on the topic of protests and social justice.
Important Conversations: Conflict
Check out these kid-friendly these books and resources gathered by Library staff on the topic of conflict.
Important Conversations: Sadness
Check out these kid-friendly these books and resources gathered by Library staff on the topic of sadness.
Important Conversations: Autism Spectrum Disorders
Check out these kid-friendly these books and resources gathered by Library staff on the topic of autism spectrum disorders.
Important Conversations: Death and Dying
Check out these kid-friendly these books and resources gathered by Library staff on the topic of death and dying.
Important Conversations: Racism
Check out these kid-friendly these books and resources gathered by Library staff on the topic of racism.
Important Conversations: Natural Hair
Sometimes kids ask questions that are hard to answer. These resources are on the topic of natural hair.