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Upcoming Events

Be a life-long learner through the Library's Adult Learning Center. Free access to free high school equivalency test and prep assistance, ESOL classes, adult literacy sessions, online job application assistance, and more.

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Job Seekers

Looking for a new job? Does your resume need fine-tuning? Need resources for starting your small business? We've got you covered!

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Our Favorite Adult Reads

Our staff's booklists are packed with great titles you'll love.

Adult Fiction

Adult Non-Fiction

Great Audiobooks

Streaming Audiobooks

Parents and Educators

Tips for Young Minds

Five fun early literacy tips for your baby

When it comes to early childhood literacy, we have good news, it’s never too early or too late – you and your baby can start right now!

Pop-Up Preschool brings early childhood education options

The Library’s Pop-Up Preschool brings new early childhood education options to Deer Park

Featured Databases

Streaming Books and Resources

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