Dictionary of Literary Biography (Gale) Dictionaries & Encyclopedias
Nearly 10,000 biographical and critical essays on the lives, works, and careers of the world's most influential literary figures from all eras and genres.
Nearly 10,000 biographical and critical essays on the lives, works, and careers of the world's most influential literary figures from all eras and genres.
Collection of ten databases for students. These include biography collections (Sports Champions, Shapers of Society, etc.), Defining Moments in American History, special topic collections (World Mythology, Countries and Cultures of the World, etc.), and a general purpose encyclopedia.
The OED is the accepted authority on the English language. It is the quintessential guide to the meaning, the history, and pronunciation of over 600,000 words traced through 3 million quotations from a wide range of English language sources including classical literature, cookbooks and film scripts.
Working with an international community of scholars from all fields of study, this database provides peer-reviewed articles and summaries on a wide range of subjects that are updated monthly. Each of the twenty-five distinct encyclopedias cover both foundational and cutting-edge topics and are intended for students just beginning their studies to researchers needing background information.
Access an encyclopedia, atlas, dictionary, government websites, headline news, interactive maps, timelines, world newspapers, and much more!
Developed for preschoolers and children in the early elementary grades, these educational videos, interactive games, narrated stories, and online activities can be integrated into the classroom curriculum or used for learning at home.
Easily search or browse for encyclopedia articles, information about important people and animals, pictures and videos, maps, and dictionary definitions. Hands-on activities, puzzles, and science experiments are also available.
Este recurso en Español para estudiantes de la escuela primaria incluye artículos, mapas, banderas, tablas y casillas de hechos, y enlaces a páginas de Internet en Español.
This Spanish resource for elementary school students includes articles, maps, flags, tables and fact boxes, and links to Spanish language websites.
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