In honor of Black History Month, Librarian Kim Thompson takes us into Avondale, the second oldest Black neighborhood in Cincinnati.
“I Got a Lot of Experience”: Ralph Moon Jr. Shares His West End Story
In the latest episode of the West End Story Project podcast Ralph Moon Jr. shares his story.
CHPL’s Annual African American Read-In Goes Virtual in 2021
Our annual African American Read-In is going digital in 2021. Learn about the ways you and your family can participate, and your chance to win prizes.
It’s Not Too Late to Join the Winter Checkout Challenge
CHPL’s second annual Winter Checkout Challenge runs through Feb 28. Learn how to register, what participants have been up to, and what you can win.
Race and the City: Critical Conversations About the Roots of Systemic Racism in Cincinnati
Community activist Melanie Moon hosts virtual conversations about three chapters from the book 'Race and the City: Work, Community, and Protest in Cincinnati, 1820-1970'.
Looking Back, Moving Forward: 2020 in Review
Watch our year in review video about all that the Library accomplished with our partners and community members in 2020.
Visit the Library for Help Preparing and Filing Your Taxes
Learn how to get help filing your 2020 taxes at the Library or other United Way sites this season.
Spend a Day with a Library Worker: Black Events and Exhibits Committee Co-Chair Corrie Schuster
When people hear the word “library” a few things typically come to mind, namely librarians and books. But a library is run by people working in many different roles. They’re all helping community members with much more than book recommendations. Our series Spend a Day with a Library Worker takes you inside the lives of our library staff in different roles and follows them on a typical workday.
Tales from the Stacks: Wild (and Sometimes Weird) Romance
CHPL librarian Adam Vorobok dives deep into the stacks to find the silliest and strangest romance novel titles.
In Conversation with Urban Fiction Book Club’s Featured February Author Kiki Swinson
CHPL’s Urban Fiction Book Club is reading Kiki Swinson’s novel The Deadline in February. To prepare, one of the book club members interviewed the author.
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