In our ninth installment of the West End Stories Project podcast Mauvis Evans shares her West End story.
CHPL Brings Nonprofit Grant Research Tools to Your Neighborhood
CHPL is bringing grant funding for nonprofit organizations to Hamilton County neighborhoods.
Another Donate Day Is Approaching; How Good of a Donator Are You?
Five Signs You’re Awesome at Donating Used Books (and CDs and DVDs) to the Friends of the Library.
Letter from the Director: Multiple Facility Improvement Projects Underway Across the County
A letter from the Eva Jane Romaine Coombe Library Director Paula Brehm-Heeger in year two of our 10-year facilities project bringing improvements to all 41 library locations.
Could This Be Your Lucky Day? Skip the Waitlist for Popular Books
Feeling lucky today? Visit your nearest branch library for the latest bestselling books in the Lucky Day collection.
Save the Date! Famed Presidential Historian to Speak at Aronoff Center
Are you a presidential history buff? Then save the date for Tuesday, Oct. 5, when Doris Kearns Goodwin is speaking as part of the annual Mary S. Stern Lecture series.
Hamilton County Developmental Disabilities Services Glad Building the Next Generation Library Plan Goes Beyond ADA Compliance
Hamilton County Developmental Disabilities Services is happy that the Building the Next Generation Library project goes beyond ADA compliance.
Bedtime Is the Right Time to Use CHPL’s Audiobook Apps
Library cardholders can use Libby, Overdrive apps for destressing, falling asleep at bedtime.
Whether You Plan to Travel Near or Far a Trip to the Library Is Essential
The Library is full of resources for all kinds of travelers and destinations, including passport services and guidebooks.
Summer Bucket List Ideas for Cincinnati and Hamilton County Families
Summer is a great time for families to get re-acquainted with all of the great places to go in Cincinnati and Hamilton County.
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