Special Needs Services
Customers with special needs can find services specifically created for them, including delivery to seniors and teachers, classroom programming, deposit collections, braille books and described videos, and Books by Mail.
How do you want use our services?
Our Customers
The Library provides a variety of services for people with special needs:
- Large print books and books-on-tape available through all Library agencies.
- Teacher collections for classroom use. Call 513-369-6963 or contact your Branch Library.
- Library for the Blind & Physically Handicapped, 513-369-6999.
- Service to senior citizens, hospitals, nursing homes, and the home-bound, 513-369-6963.
Blind and Physically Challenged Resources
Ohio Historical Newspapers
Search the Cincinnati Post and the Cincinnati Enquirer in one spot. Also includes the Dayton Daily News (1923-1986) and smaller Ohio cities.
Research thousands of nonprofits from IRS filings such as 990s to proprietary data for comprehensive analysis. In-library use only.
Foundation Directory Online Professional
Find funding for your nonprofit with four databases: Grantmakers, Recipients, Grants, and 990s. In-library use only.
Ohio Historical Newspapers
Search the Cincinnati Post and the Cincinnati Enquirer in one spot. Also includes the Dayton Daily News (1923-1986) and smaller Ohio cities.
Research thousands of nonprofits from IRS filings such as 990s to proprietary data for comprehensive analysis. In-library use only.
Foundation Directory Online Professional
Find funding for your nonprofit with four databases: Grantmakers, Recipients, Grants, and 990s. In-library use only.
Latest Special Needs and Outreach Blog Posts
Blog Posts
20 Library materials to celebrate Disability Pride Month
20 Library materials to celebrate Disability Pride Month
Parents find jobs as kids find books at OhioMeansJobs Center
Parents find jobs while kids find books at OhioMeansJobs Center
Library event gives special needs families their own space
After-hours event gives families with special needs their own space
20 Library materials to celebrate Disability Pride Month
20 Library materials to celebrate Disability Pride Month
Parents find jobs as kids find books at OhioMeansJobs Center
Parents find jobs while kids find books at OhioMeansJobs Center
Library event gives special needs families their own space
After-hours event gives families with special needs their own space