The Writer-in-Residence serves as CHPL's literary ambassador to the community by fostering engagement between the Library and local writers, providing instruction on the craft of writing, both online and in-person, and serving as the Library’s representative in the local literary arts scene.
WIR Events
About Writer-in-Residence at the Library
About Mary Kay Carson
Our 2025 Writer-in-Residence is Mary Kay Carson.
Carson is the author of more than 50 books for young people about wildlife, space, weather, nature, science, and history. Her works encompass a wide range of juvenile genres, from nonfiction to picture books as well as historical fiction chapter books.
Carson’s books have received more than a dozen starred reviews, as well as multiple awards, including the 2023 Giverny Award for Best Children’s Science Picture Book for The River That Wolves Moved, opens a new window.
Get to Know 2025 Writer-In-Residence Mary Kay Carson
Books by Mary Kay Carson
Inside the Writer's Head Podcast
For aspiring writers, avid readers, and anyone in between, the Inside the Writer's Head podcast features conversations on books, writing, and creativity from the people who know it best - our Writer-in-Residence and their guests.